Firstly a welcome to those of you who have found me via the Networked Blogs or the 'Live Below the Line' Facebook page. I must point out that this is a day to day Blog charting our progress on our farm, it is also the mad ramblings of an ex-townie turned country-girl who gets way too attached to her chickens and animals (and I refuse to believe that there is anything wrong with that). I am a vegetarian pig farmer and free range chicken keeper. I love life, although to be totally honest am not sure that this is the one for me....I keep having epiphanys!!
Secondly, welcome back to all my 'usual' readers and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for sticking with me and to apologise for any mis-spelling (spell-check is working overtime at the moment) and unusual use of the English language, yes it is my first, and indeed only language (except animal speak), but my brain is slowly turning to mush (haha......before spell check that said BRIAN!!). I think it is lack of vitamins or minerals or maybe chocholate that's doing it.
Yesterdays Spend
Porridge - 10p
Coffee 32p
2 Egg Buns with Mayo and chives for Lunch - 18p
100g Rice with half a jar of Curry Sauce and a third of a carrot and onion for Tea - 11p
Total Spend - 71p
Above is my lunch from yesterday, twice as much as on Sunday, my first day, why? Well I had an extra bun, I got six buns for 10p, so although I classed that as one a day for five days, I knew I had one in reserve for hungry days, yesterday was one such day. I had to deep clean the henhouse, it was hot and I was light-headed, I didn't want Lovely Hubby to come home and find me face down in the henhouse with eggs and hungry chickens all around me, so I went mad and had double dinner.....yummy!!

Last nights tea was the same as the night before, but because of my general 'scattiness' I though I should increase my vegetable intake, so I added a third of a carrot sliced and a third of an onion also sliced, it definitely improved the 5p Curry Sauce .
This morning I desperately wanted a change from porridge, so I made up 100g of my Scone Mix and used a tiny bit of my milk to brush the top so I could sprinkle some of the porridge oats on worked a treat.
They were yummy with a smear of my Baking Butter and a good teaspoon of Homemade Bramble Jam......I'm desperate for fruit and this is the nearest thing I have.....I don't think there's much actual fruit in the Lemon Curd (I've just looked at the label there's 'Lemon Oil') and I've just noticed something rather disturbing there's no 'V' to prove it's okay for vegetarians, although what could be in Lemon Curd that's non-vegetarian? Now I'm baffled!!
The reason for the title of todays post.....well I spent a penny....a whole penny out of my remaining 3p to buy (off myself) 5 more sweeteners so I could have 5 more cups of coffee over the course of the last three days. Now I know that you are only 'supposed' to be buying whole packs of things but lots of people have been buying 5 teabags for 5p etc and indeed I 'bought' off myself the last of my Scone Mix and my initial 25 sweeteners (did you know they are 0.02p each) so I decided as I was being so good at making my milk last that I could stretch it out to 5 more cups of coffee. Well it will if Lovely Hubby stops giving some of MY milk to the cats!! As I had puchased a WHOLE jar of coffee, (47p Smartprice - Asda...not bad either) that side of things was already covered. So I 'Spent a Penny'.
I'll be back later with a picture of what's left in my 'larder', but for now Blogger won't let upload a photo!!
Sue xx
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