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Andrej Pejic has more magazine worries - this time it's FHM

I love Andrej Pejic - I think he's amazing and gorgeous! The above is a piece by FHM (Yes the mens magazine that hasn't been relevant since the 90's when 'lad culture' was considered cool) appeared on their website after they named Pejic the 98th hottest woman in the world.
It's pretty much a homophobic disgusting sneery piece written by someone who seems almost afraid of what Pejic stands for. The piece has been removed after people got offended and complained. But seriously, why do magazine websites seem to allow their online versions the freedom they don't have in print?
I mean take the Marie Clare debate about the 'fat post' from last year. (Where one of their writers proclaimed it was disgusting to see overweight people kissing or showing affection) That WOULD NEVER have been printed. So why do they feel the internet is down for whatever!?!
Is it because the internet is seen as less credible or reliable? I don't know.

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