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Spring sewing, fabric finds and Vogue 1143

Based on my recent blogging output one might think I have not been getting anything done, or at least sewn to a blog-worthy state but that is not the case.  I have a number of projects that are in various stages of completion, plus lots of photos needing to be edited. 
My new favorite Vogue pattern is coming along very well. I just realized I have a new favorite Vogue pattern every 3 months or so.  Fickle!  
V1143 pattern envelope

This jacket is unusual for me but I am really liking the style.  Recall that I asked blog readers to choose a Vogue Designer pattern for me to sew and blog about.  The finalist was selected by Ruta, it is Vogue 1143 Guy Laroche Paris Original.  OK, I promise not to go around telling people "this outfit is a Paris Original"  but I do get a tiny thrill with thinking about these patterns. 

Grey Vogue suit jacket startedWhen I was a teen sewer and bought a Vogue designer pattern (which back then came with a fabric label to sew in your garment) I felt so grown up and sophisticated.  Note to readers - I did start sewing when I was around 7-8 so by 17 I had been sewing 10 years and buying Vogue designer patterns, not always successfully but my family was encouraging.  

Here is a sneak peek at the jacket.  I didn't mean to make two grey jackets in a row, but I chose this fabric which is a poly-rayon-spandex blend.  The jacket has some cool elements, the two piece sleeves, and the double peplum, however, to complete this look I must make pants.  EEK - fit phobia!  something about making pants for me is just less than fun but it is my resolution for the year.  And if I want to model this outfit, the pants must be done.  

And now for some random topics that have been rattling around in my head. Is anyone else having trouble commenting on Wordpress blogs?  I used to be able to, with my blogger ID, but now it keeps bouncing out or something, anyone know what is going on and how to comment?
Tracing paper

Is tracing paper a scarce commodity?  Seems to be.  I used to buy rolls at a big chain art supply store, went in today, they don't carry it anymore. I use it for pattern tissue, doing clothing tracings and just all kinds of things.  Also the big chain fabric store, they stopped carrying it. I love web shopping but I just annoys me to be unable to buy simple things at local stores.  Pictured at right, 18" wide. 

StoneMountainbizcardWhich brings me to local shopping.  I have fabric shopping envy when I read about all the fabric stores in New York or LA, but we do have a few gems here in N. Calif. My local fabric store is Stone Mountain and Daughter in Berkeley. They are celebrating their 31st anniversary and have tons of great stuff so last Friday I zipped in there and came out with a few gems.  On the back of their business card it says "Sew Berkeley, Sew Creative, Sew Hip"  and I agree. 

navy white knitaqua-navy knit print
Here are just 2 of the 6 different fabrics I bought.  Mostly knits! Shocking but I am slowly coming round to the beauty and ease of sewing knits.

Vintage sheath and blue fabric

Finally, I saw on Pattern Review they are doing the Vintage contest and that is just the kick I need to make a dress that has been in my queue for a while.  Here is a tiny peek.  The seaming on the bodice looks so modern to me, or perhaps timeless?  The mystery fabric is a thrift store find, and it is block fused, with blue tricot knit interfacing. I almost shrieked when I came across it.  But that's all for now on this one. 

Here is today's SunnyGal garden photo, a dianthus which survived the winter and is flowering again. This may be the best flower for a sewing blog, as I just read on Wikipedia "The color pink may be named after the flower, coming from the frilled edge of the flowers: the verb "pink" dates from the 14th century and means "to decorate with a perforated or punched pattern" (maybe from German "picken" = to peck). This verb sense is also used in the name of pinking shears."  
Happy spring sewing.

pink dianthus

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