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I can has tag?

Exciting news, peoples - I have been tagged for the first time eva! Swit swoo! My tagger is the very lovely Rachel from tasty Fairy Cake Heaven, who I "met" initially over on Beaut.ie and who inspired me to embark on my first culinary adventure since chocolate Rice Krispie buns.

Admittedly, my individual chocolate puddings with a gooey centre weren't a million miles removed from their predecessors but what can I say? I like a birrov chocolate, so I do.

So back to the tagging! Apparently, the thing is to describe yourself in six words and then tag six other bloggers to do the same. Which is a nice idea to try and give a sense of what you might be like IRL, but but - I don't actually know six other personal bloggers. However, I (think that I) am:

- Beauty mad
- Distractable
- Friendly
- Indecisive
- Loyal
- Tidy

... although maybe people who do know me might take issue with some of those! (Seriously, did I mention that I'm indecisive?)

Now for the tagee to become the tagger:
- Anne @ AnneElicious
- Niamh @ Pretty, Shiny, Sparkly
- Rosie @ Make Your Own Kind Of Music
- Belle @ Totally Should... Totally Don't
- Yvonne @ Yvestown
- Zee @ Homebug

Hope I've done that right!

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