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'Fury' Review

I saw Fury last night and I really enjoyed it! The action scenes were great as well as some of the stunts in the film! Brad Pitt and Logan Lerman both gave incredible performances and worked well together on screen. Shia LaBeouf and  Michael Peña were also enjoyable to watch on screen and gave a good performance with the screen time they had. I'm excited that the director David Ayer will be directing the upcoming Suicide Squad film that Warner Bros./ DC recently announced because he does a fantastic job balancing the film with an ensemble cast. The Suicide Squad is also similar to Fury because the Suicide Squad go on missions aware that there is a high chance that they will die like the men who operated tanks in World War 2, which is what Fury is about. The film takes place over about a day or two days so the film doesn't feel too long or rushed at all. I will warn you that the end of the film is very sad but nonetheless the end is one of the best parts of the film. Overall a great film that I highly recommend you see!

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