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Electric Liquorice!

It's almost Friday! Wayhay!

Work is going at a bit of a slower pace at the mo, so again, I'm sat in the sun with a cold one (juice this time though, don't want you getting the wrong idea about my drinking habits lol) - and trawling through old photos that I've forgotten about. 

This one is gorgeous; Accessorize Electric Purple topped with Barry M Confetti in Liquorice. 



This was a tricky one to photo; the colour purple does NOT make my camera happy lol:) The above is probably the closet attempt.


Btw, it has occurred to me that my furbabies have not featured recently; they're currently scampering around me, hinting that they'd like some kitty treats - I swear Dreamies are cat crack! - so here are piccies of them indulging in their current favourite activities.

Boo trying to hid behind a leaf (fail for her) and Smoky sleeping in the laundry basket, thus ensuring a good layer off fur over any clothes taken out of the dryer (fail for me and bf!) 

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