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Pics by Golden Globes, Just Jared

This past Sunday, all eyez were on Hollywood and the 73rd Annual Golden Globe Awards hosted by the Hollywood Foreign Press. And of course, the celebs were stepping on the red carpet to show off their rented garbs for the paparazzi to shoot and display on countless blogs, magazines and TV fashion panelists. Well, OUTSTAGN scurried the Internet to find the pics of those who were the Fashion Pros and the Fashion NO's! Below are our pics for Best Dressed Ladies, Best Dressed Gents, Best Dressed Couples and a few who made the NO list.


Jamie Foxx's daughter Corrine, who was Miss Golden Globe was radiant in this pink sheer number. The plunging neckline and peakabooness was also an eye turner!

Model Olivia Wilde was smoking with this shiny auburn gown with plunging neckline. Her shower hair with highlights was also radiant.

Entertainer/actress Jennifer Lopez, a red carpet glamazon, turned heads with this mustard yellow multipiece gown with cape with silver necklace, clutch and pumps., Some say it was too many portions but we think she nailed it.

Golden Globe winner Jennifer Lawrence's two piece red gown accentuated her sleek physique and the silver beaded necklace enhanced this unique ensem.

Golden Globe winner Lady Gaga was the ultimate throwback to film noir glam with this tapered  off shoulder black velvet gown. We wonder what type shoes she had (Knowing Gaga they were platforms!)

E Correspondent Giuliana Rancic wowed with this orange gown with long-to-the-floor flowing sleeves and cut out mid rift. Her hair and makeup were also on point 

Singer Nicole Scherzinger wore a sexy black gown with slit and plunging neckline. The brown artwork is also quite lovely, We would have wished she maybe had a necklace with this number, but she pulled it off, 

Actress/singer Zendaya, one of the younger glamazons, looked radiant in this multi-tiered maroon with black frecks .Its also age-appropriate. 

                           WORST DRESSED LADIES

Golden Globe nominee Regina King's shiney gold gown with white train was not flattering, Her earrings were cute, thats about it. She looked like the Oscar Award Superhero.

Golden Globe nominee Jane Fonda, who is almost 80 years old, looked great but the multi layered top looked like an awning for a country buffet stop.

Singer Katy Perry, who presented at the award ceremony, also was not flattering. Her hair looked like Elvira the Countess and her brides maid dress looked very Pepto Bismolish,. 

Actress Eva Longoria, who also was a presenter at the awards ceremony, looked very old in this two piece number, The top's slits looked cut out and the bottom part, although was made nicely, the flowery print made it look very Dress Barnish.

........Maybe she should have walked backwards because the back of the gown looks much better!. 

Actress Caitriona Baife must have went to Victoria Secret's with this lingerie disaster,

The same goes for Emille Clarke who must have received a text message from Baife that they were having a two for one sale. 

Actress Maggie Gylanhaal looked very dowdy in this awful black gown with yellow flower pattern and that accessory on her shoulder looked like it needed Raid.

                                                BEST DRESSED GENTS

His Creed co-star Sylvester Stallone may have forgotten to thank him when he won the Golden Globe, but actor Michael B Jordan won hands down with this well tailored tux.

Two of Hollywood's leading men Golden Globe presenter Dwayne Johnson, who  had worn a snazzy velvet tux and Sam Heughan, who's well tailored blue tux were winning on the red carpet.

Golden Globe nominee Will Smith, one of the dapper dans of the red carpet, looked regal in his crisp navy blue tux.

Actor Trai Byers, who was one of the few gents who took a risk fashion wise, pulled off this purple tux. Although a bow tie would have worked better, but the overall look was nice.

                          WORST DRESSED GENTS

WTH was actor Denis O'hare thinking when he decided to be a gender bender in real life taking his a piece of Liz Taylor role on American Horror Story Hotel role to the red carpet, The black and white lined suit jacket actually was quite snazzy, but those high heel platforms? Break your ankle!

Golden Globe nominee for Best Song rapper Wiz Khalifa looked disheveled in this tux. We know he's a rock star, but the gray loose tie did not work and the tight above ankle pants  without socks looked as though he waded through water to get to the award show.

                                       BEST DRESSED COUPLES

Will and Jada  Pinkett Smith always get it right on the red carpet and they did not disappoint at this year's awards ceremony.

Actress  Kirsten Dunst and beau Garrett Hedlund looked blended in black with her plunging square shaped neckline and his double breasted tux. His hair also looked quite coiffed that complimented his suit. 

Lady Gaga and hubby Taylor Kinney looked like a modern day  Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable--sexy and retro chic.

                                      WORST DRESSED COUPLES

We weren't to find too many couples who were both a NO but we were able to find one--Golden Globe presenter Patricia Arquette and her husband Thomas Jane. She and that ribbon needs to untied and taken back to the Christmas store and Jane's tux looked thrown on and his tux pants looked wrinkled.

We also have a special pic we wanted to chat on:

Actor Channing Tatum's asymmetrical side hair pull over was not working at all. he is good looking guy, but the haircut makes him look like......

                                             Stefano from Saturday Night Live. LOL

Well those are our picks. Do you agree or disagree? Did we get the pics right or all wrong? Comment below!

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