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How To Save Money On Beauty!

There is no denying that beauty products are expensive. You can now buy a $90 tube of lipstick, followed by a $60.00 bottle of nail polish. Even drugstore cosmetics are getting pricey! A quick glance around the drugstore and you’ll notice your favourite ‘cheap’ foundation is now hitting the $20.00 mark or maybe even exceeded it. However ladies there are ways for us to save money on cosmetics. Yes, you could get luxury makeup for less or sometimes even free. So here are my favourite ways to save money on beauty. 

Buy Value Sets 
November is the time of year where most companies release their holiday gift sets. Some of these sets are undeniably gimmicky. Like do I really need another cosmetic bag that I am never going to use? Probably not! However some of these sets actually pack a lot of value for what they’re worth. So if you’re looking to purchase your favourite lipstick, moisturizer perfume or whatever you might want to check out what your favourite brand has to offer. 

Mother’s Day is also an excellent time of year for these bargain deals too. 

Gift with Purchase 
I’ve seen women fight over gifts and sales associates battle over commissions… it’s a brutal gift with purchase world out there. While these GWP events terrify me the benefits can undoubtedly get you some free product and evidently save you money. So to skip the crowds and ciaos I highly suggest pre reserving your product along with your gift. Not only does this ensure you get the product that you want but it also ensures you get the gift you want too. 
Clinique and Estee Lauder both do amazing gifts, which usually include full sized products. With that being said Clarins and Lancôme hold their own too! 

Points Cards
Points cards basically work on the principle of the more you spend the more rewards you get in return. Some companies like Sephora allow you to pick among a bunch of sample sizes. Other companies will actually reward you with money to spend in there store on anything you like. Personally I love Shoppers Drug Marts Point system, because it gives you the to freedom to redeem points for cash value and purchase whatever you heart desires. Whatever system you like just remember free makeup is just around the corner so you might as well sign up!

What are some of your favourite beauty money saving tips? Leave me a message below!

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